Friday, November 18, 2011

Heirloom Seed Gift From Vermont

My good friend Suzy just gifted me some seeds from her farm in Vermont. Among the magick beans are blood orange seeds, which may or may not work outside at Brewton's latitude, but probably will do just fine in containers with the aid of the green house in the winter. I also received; Jacob Cattle Beans, Rattle Snake Poll Beans and Vermont Cranberry Beans.


  1. I just got some calamansi sent from my mom and I am saving you some seeds. :)

  2. Ooooo! Perfect for my newly cleaned out green house. Do calamansi's miniturize, if so I can grow them like the key limes, in carts, so they can be moved around the farm for best light and moved indoors for frost.

    Thanks SnoMuse!
